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Our Story


     In Reggio-inspired schools, children learn by doing.  We truly believe that children need to have as many opportunities as possible to experience things firsthand.  They need to be encouraged to run, play, get their hands dirty, get wet, try things and explore.

     However, the everyday reality of designing preschool provocations that spark curiosity is a whole other subject.  We know this because we lived this.  Reggio-inspired schools put great emphasis on using certain materials and activities that provoke investigation.  In working at Reggio-inspired schools, we have spent countless hours looking for materials to help teach a subject in a way that children can understand the relevancy of what they are learning in the classroom to life in the “real world.”  And when we couldn't find quite what we were looking for, it was astonishing how time-consuming it was to create all the things necessary to effectively teach a subject, find the right books, materials, worksheets and finally document it all! 

     And that's why we created The Reggio Resource.  Even if you are not a Reggio-inspired school, the resources on our site can still help you skip a few steps in your busy day-to-day life as an educator.  We like products and materials that are natural, simple and clear in design.  In the classroom, the children's work should be the focus and that's why you'll only find resources here that don't disrupt attention and learning.


Our intention at the Reggrio Resource is to support your lesson plans with the right materials.  To take care of all the little individual things that make a big difference.  So that you can be where you're needed the most.

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